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Letting agent reviews for Goodchilds in United Kingdom

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Average letting agent rating
Letting agent reviews (1)
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25 November 2019
The agency were great to start with, good communication although this was before the tenant fees ban so I must have paid over £2,000 in total before I could move in. After moving in communication with the agency was very poor, barely responding to emails or calls and none of my issues were being sorted. Eventually the phone was just ringing out every time I called and emails were not being answered. I had to actually visit the office in order to speak to someone!
I was not properly informed on the process for getting my deposit back and it also needed disputing resulting in a long delay in getting my deposit back. I left the property in July 2017 but did not get my deposit back until January 2018.

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