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Neighbourhood and local area reviews for renting in Hanley Park And Shelton, Stoke-on-trent

4 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Area reviews (2)
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11 November 2020
Neighbourhood is terrible. Drug deals taking place in the alleyway directly adjacent to the property and because the wall to the "garden" was so low you were always made to feel like you were intruding. Once even had somebody tell me to "f**k off" while having a cigarette in my own garden. The past two years (2019 and 2018) people had set fireworks off at people down the street. Definitely the nasiest part of Shelton!
11 November 2020
Shelton is dangerous, on the street they found the remains of a cremated woman once. There have been stabbings, robbery, sexual assaults and everything. During the day it's mostly fine as it's busy, but during the night it's honestly very dangerous. The streets are littered with rubbish, overflowing bins and RATS - yes RATS. Drug crime is rampant, people liked to deal down the alley way of our back garden and stare at you when they did it. Numerous student houses were broken into, and one point a hammer attack on the Staffs Uni campus.

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