Letting agent reviews for

Brightwater Properties, Walkford

Average agency Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Brightwater Properties, Walkford

Reviewed 23 March 2022
Never again. My family moved into a home that seemed like it had last been cleaned when it was built, with a yellow toilet and stained floors. Then the smoke detector broke and wasn't fixed, ever. Neither was the carbon monoxide detector. Or the rusted toilet seat. Or the fridge (and we weren't even the only ones in this block of three flats to have issues with the fridge). We were lucky if we ever so much as heard from them regarding these issues. The same laissez-faire attitude did not extend to when they wanted to film videos, take photos or conduct viewings, of course. Though I was amazed they would want to show anyone the flat before fixing the numerous issues which were their responsibilities.

At the very least, we assumed the problems would end when we left. But of course, then we received a completely fabricated report about the state of the flat, including charges for the still unrepaired smoke alarm and toilet seat. I am uncertain as to how we damaged the attic access, given it is merely a flat block of wood that is pushed inwards to gain entry. And perhaps the most amusing charge on the report? Professional cleaning. As though any professional cleaner has ever come within a mile of the place.

Belligerent, greedy and entirely uncaring for their tenants. Unless your only other option is a cardboard box in the road, never go near this company.
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