Letting agent reviews for

J Aland Lettings, Bath

Average agency Rating: 2
Number of times reviewed: 1
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J Aland Lettings, Bath

Reviewed 6 September 2023
We did not meet / speak with our landlords personally and all communication to sort issues in the bungalow went through J Aland Lettings. This letting agent has been awful on all fronts from the beginning of the contract (rushing us with piles of e-mails, insistence upon having everything done very quickly while also taking far too long to return correspondence and a very stiff contract), during (instead of simple updates via e-mail, we were forced into a facebook group which included very poorly managed [but nonetheless important!] documents and came with a slew of 'informative' or 'anecdotal' posts that came at least once every month and served basically to scare/threaten us into being their idea of perfect tenants [i.e. not doing anything anywhere ever]. Think your hypochondriac aunt on steroids — but instead of a well-meaning family member, it's a company that takes your money every month and will pick you up at any opportunity to drain you of more), and all the way to the end (the single worst check out / deposit return procedure I have ever endured, complete with its own windy e-mail thread).
I seriously regret not at any point before our tenancy doing proper research into this agency, as I would have seen people with similar experiences.
J Aland Lettings is actually a very good agency — for landlords — and at every cost to their tenants, whom they treat with absolute contempt.
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