Landlord reviews for

Stephen Sydes in Newham

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Stephen Sydes, Newham

Reviewed 8 September 2020
Internet is 1mb/s - worse than that in a 1-star hotel. Landlord ignored a (reasonable, for the price being paid for the room) request to get faster broadband.
Oh and the landlord never bothered to sign the tenancy agreement, and yet decided to 'save a bit of dolla' and make me liable for the council tax for the entirety of the property.
Coincidentally, both the landlord and the other tenant are incapable of keeping their bowels in order, and so you better stock up on some Febreze, because what with being unable to open a window, you'll be forced to keep your room's door open to at least have slightly less stale air come in once in a blue moon
Avoid like the plague, or should I say Covid, these days?..
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