Landlord reviews for

Adam Price in London

Average Landlord Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Adam Price, London

Reviewed 12 April 2018
At first seems like a great landlord. He gets things replaced etc when needed and in a timely matter.

However, lack of action with regards to Mould and damp is very poor. Despite being flagged to him numerous times. And him being aware as when I moved in was told to keep windows ajar when drying clothes. Spent over £100 dealing with the black mould problem myself. Then has £360 deducted from deposit because of damp in flat and having wall sanded and painting, when there is an issue in the flat. Could of at least provided a dehumidifier. Landlord refuses to acknowledge the extent of the problem. Tells you to open the windows, even when it is snowing. Doesn’t seem to understand or acknowledge how cold the flat is despite telling him.
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