Landlord reviews for

Kuljeet Sargent in Cambridge

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Kuljeet Sargent, Cambridge

Reviewed 19 October 2018
The landlord as far as I can tell was just interested in making money from me and not the fact that the house was someone's home. Asking me to pay the re- let fees was in my opinion morally unacceptable and unethical given that the letting agent confirmed that she was fully aware of the dogs and lived there herself. I've also messaged her since and she ignores my messages as does the letting the agent - a month later and I've still not received my deposit back which they are keeping maliciously. I left the house immaculate, so they are also trying to take £145 to prune a bush which I tended to whilst living there. It was in its winter state (Jan) when I moved in and in its Summer (Sept) much fuller and nicer state when I left. But because they couldn’t find anything else to charge me for, I’m now having to fight to get this money back too!
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