Landlord reviews for

Nicki Froggatt in Sheffield

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Nicki Froggatt, Sheffield

Reviewed 14 November 2018
They deducted unnecessary costs from the deposit on us moving out, which we had to extensively dispute until they gave in. They charged us for additional bin collections due to members of the public rifling through our bins at the end of our tenancy. It is not our responsibility to pay for the fact that the bins are not in a private area only accessible for tenants. They also charged us for cleaning of the flat, which was not necessary in any way. It was a 100 times cleaner than when we moved in when we moved out of the property. Also they inspected the property before we all even moved out so cleaning had not been finished by that point and that is not acceptable. The onus is on the landlord to inspect the property after the end of the tenancy.
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