Landlord reviews for

Michael Holmes in Sheffield

Average Landlord Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Michael Holmes, Sheffield

Reviewed 14 November 2018
The landlord is a bit of a funny old man. He has two sons who also run the rental business, and it is likely that one of them will show you around at a viewing as they are salesmen as a living: they showed us around.
The landlords are nice but have big egos and like to remind you of what great rent you are paying, which isn't actually that great : it is pretty average or even slightly expensive for the property.
If there is a problem the landlord will get it fixed BUT will take up to a month to do so.
One of the people in our house this year in the attic room had a huge leak through the roof and had to move out for almost a month as the landlord took so long to fix it. She got reduced rent, but it's still poor treatment.
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