Landlord reviews for

Satish Harpalani in Kingsbury

Average Landlord Rating: 4
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Satish Harpalani, Kingsbury

Reviewed 18 May 2019
Make sure you don’t rent from Satish Harpalani, a very difficult to deal with landlord.
A solicitor specialising, amongst others, in landlord tenant matters, will be a real pain, as you have to respond to his frequent requests. I had no fewer five ‘routine inspections’ in one year where he would open cupboards, drawers. Not allowing bringing in high speed internet, furniture, change utility providers, etc.
He would promise one thing verbally while later putting something different in writing all with a view of extracting more money from you. I got hit with a last moment £1,150 for adding my girlfriend to the tenancy with increased rent and deposit to boot.
After leaving he would neither provide claims or refund my deposit. I had to go through mydeposit adjudication where he won half the deposit with an inventory report full of unfair claims - such as claiming £1142 for cleaning despite full professional cleaning at the end of tenancy.

Avoid for your own sanity.
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