Landlord reviews for

Dr Yu Bai in Birmingham

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Dr Yu Bai, Birmingham

Reviewed 14 September 2019
They entered the flat unannounced several times. I was in the shower at one time and they knocked the door with builders and I obviously did not answer. They just walked in with their key. They didn’t tell us they were planning on doing works on the flats so had months of builders and whatever else for installation of central heating and then having to pay for that even though they didn’t mention their plans at the beginning. The shower door faulted and smashed over myself- leaving me with some cuts and small injuries- but they did not care about this and made us pay. I refused to pay full amount and they paid half but I didn’t believe I should pay anything as the shower door was faulted as proved by the people who installed the new shower door.
They were always in the house. No privacy at all. Never left us alone but then when we needed them they were hard to reach. Hardly have enough LEGAL notice to come to the flat.
When we handed our 2 month notice to leave, they kept over £300 of our deposit for the stupidest reasons. Over £200 was for cleaning? Things like an apparent broken toilet brush holder that she tried to charge around £30 for. Rubbish removal including petrol costs? With no way of proving it was mine. It was just ridiculous.
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