Landlord reviews for

Rick Chana in London

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Rick Chana, London

Reviewed 28 June 2017
Barely fixed anything - took over 6 months for most repairs, 2 weeks to get heating and hot water back on on February. I am disabled and this affected my health severely for months. He delegated most of the work to his father, who was dismissive and aggressive, going so far as calling my roommate stupid for asking for a gas safety certificate from the engineer working on the gas pipes. At the end of my tenancy, after a year of hell and long term damage to my health, he tried to keep part of my deposit because he claimed I hadn't cleaned the house to his standards. It was cleaner than when I arrived. We went to arbitration with the security deposit company and I won.
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