Landlord reviews for

Jacky Glanville in Bristol

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Jacky Glanville, Bristol

Reviewed 7 November 2019
Horrible. Worst one I've ever had the misfortune of using.

- "Borrowed" one of our fridges with no notice after theirs broke.
- Usually in the house 2/3 times a week unannounced.
- Has actually just invited themselves into our lounge and watched TV whilst waiting for builders/inspectors.
- Comes over to put the bins out on a Tuesday even though they aren't collected until Friday, so gulls rip into the bags and people assume it's okay to leave their gash next to ours.
- Took two weeks to fix a leaking ceiling.
- Stopped responding to messages about state of disrepair of the house after I handed in my own notice.
- Issued a section 21 eviction to someone who accidentally underpaid their rent without waiting for a reply.
- Has locked climate controls behind a wall-mounted box so tenants are at her mercy to get them changed.

1/10, would not wee on them if they were on fire.
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