Landlord reviews for

Adassa Sinclair in Addiscombe

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Adassa Sinclair, Addiscombe

Reviewed 5 January 2020
At first landlord seemed like supportive especially when wanting to be present for boiler fixing, but it became too much when the landlord would show up unexpectedly. Once, she broke into our flat without consent and left us locked out of our flat for hours, that's how we found out she had been in our flat without permission. Worst part, when she finally arrived with the key, wanted to lecture us on how to lock our flat when we were just running an errand to a nearby store. At the end of the tenancy, she wanted to charge for things that were already broken or dirty, like asking for a new mattress. Luckily, it was all stated the condition during the check-in. At the end, we won and received every single pence from our deposit, but it took months.
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