Landlord reviews for

Susan Johnson Johnson in Peterlee

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Susan Johnson Johnson, Peterlee

Reviewed 6 March 2020
Landlady claims she will give you one months free rent every year after the first year before agreeing to rent her property..

BEWARE... this doesn't happen,
She claims to only give you a rent free month when she deals with the property herself and you pay her direct but she will keep you hanging and continues to use letting agent to avoid this promise.
Repairs were mostly done well apart from the toilet ceiling which fell through twice, after the first attempt to fix it was a bodge job. Bathroom always leaked but was never fixed properly, always done on the cheap, she never addresses the mould told me to just paint over it. Ideally needs a new bathroom. Landlord oversaw any repairs because the letting agents were rubbish (Hunters). But the landlady will sit over you for the whole time of the repairs, whether it be a 5 minute job or a 3 hour one.. ( such as toilet ceiling being re-plastered.) Also had an issue with landladies husband calling round unannounced staying for 2 hours and being a sleaze and trying for a kiss....However i felt i couldn't report it whilst living there (but i did keep a record of the date and time by email should it happen again) so reported it after moving out! But Estate agent said they couldn't do anything about it if i was no longer living there. So if this happens to new tenants especially young females... REPORT ASAP!!!
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