Letting agent reviews for

House Share Agency (Genuine Property Investments Limited), Manchester

Average agency Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 5
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House Share Agency (Genuine Property Investments Limited), Manchester

Reviewed 22 April 2022
Agency are awful, they are dismissive, rude and patronising. They are abusive to tenants but also don't follow their own rules when tenants aren't following rules putting the whole house in danger.
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House Share Agency (Genuine Property Investments Limited), Manchester

Reviewed 26 August 2021
Literally the worst customer service ever. They're so rude, interrupting you without letting you finish. They have absolutely no care in the world for what you're going and you're safety. Someone in our house, who we had no contact with had covid-19 and informed the agency specifically stating they would need to let us know because he had no contact information for us, and they did nothing. He went 8 days into his isolation before one of us found out he had covid. They don't let you know when a stranger is coming into the house, they just give them the keys and don't let you know anything else. When you bring up issues they don't apologise or anything they literally don't care. You have to harass them or refuse to pay rent before they are responsive, honestly it has truly been the worst month of my life.
They refuse to give you the details to a manager so you can speak with someone who can actually help you and he makes NO effort to contact you himself.
Avoid the lawnswood road property AT ALL COSTS.
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House Share Agency (Genuine Property Investments Limited), Manchester

Reviewed 17 March 2021
-the agencies' responses were unhelpful
-it took weeks/months to respond to repairs/problems in the property
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House Share Agency (Genuine Property Investments Limited), Manchester

Reviewed 17 March 2021
I tried to call them months ago to get things solved but no one has come yet. This seems to be a recurrent behaviour of the agency, us tenants need help or technical support we have to wait ages before they actually do something. It seems almost impossible to have a conversation with them, all they do is neglecting our needs.
Just this information should be enough to demonstrate how the house and my room's conditions and quality aren't respecting the agreements made beforehand.
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House Share Agency (Genuine Property Investments Limited), Manchester

Reviewed 18 December 2020
Neglectful to the point of criminality. Our house had a leak in the bathroom that totally destroyed two floors of a three floor house, to the point it where it was dangerous for us to live in the house. This is against the Home Act 2018. They basically did nothing and try claimed that we never reported it even though we had multiple times (luckily all housemates had the emails/WhatsApps saved/dated on our phone). The leak got so bad it damaged the neighbors property to the point where he needed to get a solicitor involved because the agency were ignoring him. When I confronted them about it, they ignored me for weeks until I joined a housing union (would highly recommend). After that, they tried to manipulate me by saying I owed them money (I didn't), they refused to sign our references for our new flat, and yelled at me to "sue them" when an agent did a viewing in my room without giving any notice (legally you must give 24hrs notice). Scum bags that prey on immigrants & the fess fortunate.
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