Landlord reviews for

C E in Bristol

Average Landlord Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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C E, Bristol

Reviewed 3 October 2019
I had many problems with the landlady and though she took care of some of my complaints, when it was time to leave she was charging me money for a lot of them which was very unfair. The house is very cold during winter, even still all of April and some days in May I was sleeping with sweater, pants and double socks. Communication with her was very difficult, she mainly writes to her tenants through facebook even though you live in the same house with her!! In many of the disputes that we had I felt like everything written in the contract and all her replies to complaints were to take advantage of me. So if you are renting a room there, TAKE A CLOSE LOOK IN THE CONTRACT! And ask for a leaving clause, to allow you to leave the house before the contract ends.
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